Silo has been the latest obsession for sci-fi fans, standing tall as one of Apple TV+’s flagship series. The science-fiction adaptation of Hugh Howey’s “Wool” series follows a community of survivors relegated to life underground after a post-apocalyptic event. When mechanical engineer-turned-sheriff Juliette Nichols (Rebecca Ferguson) unearths secrets about the origins and maintenance of the silo, she triggers a series of reactions that transforms life as everyone understands it in the silo.
Throughout its two seasons, the show’s pacing has been a popular topic of debate. Coupled with the dual storylines, a significant amount of viewers felt as though the deliberate pacing was detrimental. However, multiple examples suggest otherwise. From the nods to future events as well as the dedication towards the development of the characters, Silo’s considerate pacing is not only useful but essential to the success of its storytelling.
Exemplary Character Development Explored
As the second season unfolded, audiences were introduced to new characters like Solo (Steve Zahn) while also taking the necessary time to chronicle the changes seen in familiar characters like Juliette, Bernand (Tim Robbins), and Walker (Harriet Walter). Between Juliette’s time spent in Silo 18 and Silo 17’s reckoning with the fallout of Juliette’s leaving Silo 17, there are so many emotions, both surface level and complex, to capture. By taking its time with each character, their motivations and their fears, watching the consequences of their actions unfold is much more riveting as a viewer.
The intention behind crafting spectacular examples of character development appears at the very beginning, with Juliette’s arc. After successfully leaving Silo 17, Juliette treks through the tarnished terrain and discovers multiple silos and a city skyline decorated with damaged metal and fumes. Once she accesses Silo 18, Juliette spends most of the season maneuvering through the dangerous, damaged silo before unearthing the truth about the events leading up to the silo’s destruction.
Attentive viewers also get a chance to pick up on the subtle nuances that work to reframe Juliette as a more considerate person, in comparison to her jaded presentation in the premiere season. Juliette’s continued consideration of survival blossoms from a personal dance with death to a confrontation about the future of humanity by the season’s conclusion.
Similarly, Bernard embarks on a similar journey. Despite his power as mayor, Bernard feels just as siloed off from everyone else as Juliette is. Clearly estranged from allies like Sims (Common) and former subordinates like Paul (Chinaza Uche) and Hank (Billy Postelthwaite), Bernard tries to navigate the difficult atmosphere in the wake of Juliette’s revelation.
From dealing with the discord stemming from Mechanical’s disillusion with the status quo, to his complicated relationship with Mayor Meadows (Tanya Moodie), Bernard’s reign is clearly defined by a silent weakness. As his lack of control becomes a lot more noticeable, Bernard’s isolation feels even heavier. Instead of accelerating events, the time taken to explore Bernard’s psyche lets audiences in on the delicate situation the silo finds itself in.
A Worthwhile Transformation Developed and Displayed
Piece by piece, the stability of the silo erodes, and characters like Shirley (Remmie Milner) and Knox (Shane McRae) illustrate just how difficult conflict resolution and liberation is. Initially opposing each other’s approach to rebelling against IT, Shirley and Knox slowly but surely come to a mutual agreement. With Shirley’s more direct opposition to the mayor and Knox’s discreet approach, the two not only find value in one another’s methods but unite and use them to their advantage, having their failures and successes before and after their union play out in front of the viewer.
Simultaneously, many characters previously introduced as secondary characters rise to the occasion as main players, stunning audiences with their decisions while also propelling the story at heart forward with rich understanding and execution of humanity’s complex deciphering of the world around them. Paul’s growing disillusionment and the contention that comes from his newfound curiosity when juxtaposed with his status as a sheriff, coupled with epiphanies experienced by Hank and several officers are teased throughout the season, culminating in a powerful display of a community approaching collective consciousness.
‘Silo’ Season 2 Ending, Explained: What Does THAT Flashback Mean?
Silo ended its second season with a few major cliffhangers, which have fans excited for the upcoming third and fourth seasons.
Silo’s Pacing Offers Audiences A Breadth of Knowledge
Aside from the stellar character development, Silo also excels in using the time it has to carefully construct storylines that bleed into each other, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the character’s and their respective plights. Much time is spent watching Juliette fend for herself, luring audiences into a sense of complete isolation, only to reveal more of Silo 17’s desolate and dark atmosphere.
Even before the premiere episode concludes, evidence of survival appears before her, namely the sound of music that leads her to Solo. In the midst of her travels, not only do audiences get informative flashbacks about the breakdown in trust that led to the collapse of Silo 17, but said glances into the past are also juxtaposed with memories of Juliette’s childhood. The latter does an excellent job at highlighting just how isolated Juliette feels being removed from her loved ones once again. The flashbacks also tease the trajectory of Juliette’s time in Silo 18, forging new bonds and ultimately feeling a little less alone in such an unpredictable world.
In Silo 18, the use of information means life or death to the players involved. As his grip on the silo weakens, Bernard relies on the manipulation and mining of information to retain an air of security and success. His dictatorial methods of drawing sensitive information out of his captives and subordinates work initially, even driving a wedge between the core circle of leaders from Mechanical.
Nevertheless, the show makes note of his hubris and misery, illustrating how his personality and paranoia play a role in the breakdown of imperative relationships, such as that with Meadows, Sims, and Billings, as well as his growing reliance on weaker relationships, such as that with Sim’s former second-in-command Amundsen (Christian Ochoa).
The Dark Horse of Silo 18 Emerges
Initially overlooked, one of the more impactful consequences of Bernard’s actions is the emergence of Camille Sims (Alexandria Riley), as a rival to the former’s reign, and a viable path forward for the survival of the silo. Throughout the seasons, Camille has proven to be resourceful, falling back on her time spent in IT as well as her privilege as a member of the upper class to maneuver through the silo during unpredictable times, and eventually carving out a small pocket of power that she has the skills to expand in the future.
All the moving parts coalesce into a rewarding conclusion, with Juliette’s return to Silo 18 marking the beginning of a new era for the community and for the show itself. As much as audiences are left with even more questions about what is to come, the deliberately steady pace also equipped audiences with a field of clues to nurture during the downtime between seasons 2 and 3.
A Masterclass in Suspense
As hinted at throughout the examination of season 2, the measured pacing also provides viewers with a uniquely riveting suspense. As season one proved with the swift introduction of Rashida Jones’ and David Oyelowo’s characters, the show is not only courageous enough to jump into the deep end, but the showrunners also understand the gravity of their decisions, following up the suspense leading up to the climax of any given storyline with a sensible yet shocking conclusion.
A Bird’s Eye View into the Chaos of ‘Silo’
Throughout the season, members of Silo 17 and 18 never have the privilege of rest. Even powerful characters like Bernard, Sims, and Meadows feel an immense amount of pressure stemming from Juliette’s departure. The illusion of the trio as omnipresent, capable leaders, is not only shattered but directly challenged by the rest of the silo. Despite changing the minds of the collective, Juliette clearly feels discomfort after essentially being left alone in a new world. On either side of the spectrum, a pervasive fear follows the characters and seeps into the viewers’ atmosphere just the same.
Whether it be the heightened tension, any given character’s fears, or the trading of secret, useful information, Silo understands the power of letting information trickle down slowly, rather than overwhelming audiences with imperative revelations for the sake of shock value. Resulting in a savory climax, the showrunners understand the satisfaction viewers get from walking down a road built by suspense and earning a gratifying set of revelations.

‘Silo’ Goes Full ‘Game of Thrones’ With This Major Character Death
‘Silo’s second season finale saw the death of yet another character, and this one cuts like it was right from Westeros.
A Reliable Road to the Future
Now that some time has passed since the conclusion of Silo‘s second season, fans are allowed to look back comprehensively and pick out subtle nuances and overlooked clues they may have missed. Items like the PEZ dispenser and the reveal of the Safeguard Procedure give audiences pieces of the past that are eventually revisited in the final ten minutes of the season. With more than enough dedication to the world the characters navigate, the series ultimately leaves audiences with more knowledge about the mechanisms of said world as well as the memory of their favorite characters’ bouts of frustration and overall disillusion, something that seemingly never leaves humanity.
Savory Stories on the Horizons
For instance, the breakdown between Bernard and Sim’s professional relationship was tracked from multiple vantage points. Aside from the slow but savory rise of Camille as a silent yet influential power in the silo, the documentation of said breakdown also provided audiences with a continued analysis of Amundsen’s (Christian Ochoa) loyalty to IT, to a fault, as well as Mechanical uniting and gaining allies throughout the silo.
As news of the third season diving into characters like Daniel and Helen, portrayed by Ashley Zuckerman (Succession) and Jessica Henwick (Marvel) respectively, has been confirmed, fans can expect a similarly steady yet masterful juxtaposition between the past and the events following Juliette’s return to the silo.
All in all, the “slow” pacing that caused some contention among fans was not only well-executed but necessary for the progression of the story. Offering fans enough time to contemplate the motives of each character and pick up on noteworthy clues hidden in plain sight, the series transforms into an enjoyable, thought-provoking piece that allows audiences to use their analytical skills, critical thinking, and general knowledge about the world to predict the trajectory of the storylines as well as draw comparisons current anxieties about humanity’s future.
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