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How To Unlock Nightmare Difficulty

How To Unlock Nightmare Difficulty

The battles of Diablo 4 pose a much greater challenge when you unlock World Tier 3: Nightmare, a new setting with enemies of a much higher difficulty than what you’ve faced before. The next step offered in this World Tier allows your character to reach new stages of extraordinary power. With harder dungeons, fiercer opponents, and rarer loot, you have a chance to grow stronger than ever before.

Before you can think about World Tier 3, you first have to beat Diablo 4‘s main story with at least one character on the difficulties offered when you first start the game. You have two options between World Tier 1 (Adventurer) and World Tier 2 (Veteran), which determine the obstacles you’ll face. It is worth noting that both of these realms draw from the same loot pool, with Tier 2 only having slightly tougher enemies.

As of Patch 2.0 during Season 6 of
Diablo 4
, there has been a large overhaul to difficulties for the game.
World Tiers do not exist anymore
, having been replaced. Please skip to the end of this article to learn more about these changes.

How To Unlock World Tier 3: Nightmare In Diablo 4

Clear A Difficult Dungeon

Diablo 4 World Tier 3: Nightmare Capstone Dungeon Quest for Higher Difficulty Unlock

You unlock World Tier 3: Nightmare in Diablo 4 by completing a Capstone dungeon your character can access at the Cathedral of Light in Kyovashad. Once you finish the final events of the game’s story, a new Primary Quest shows up on your map, showing where the Capstone dungeon is. This mission is designed for veterans, with characters between levels 50-70 having the best chance to succeed.

You can only access World Tier 3: Nightmare’s Capstone Dungeon on World Tier 2 difficulty. It cannot be found if your character is exploring World Tier 1.

Every Capstone dungeon in Diablo 4 reflects the recommended level, with the one for World Tier 3 hosting a ton of bosses and Elite enemies that are at least level 50. If you are traveling with a group, make sure to collect as many Legendary items and gear as possible to prepare for the dungeon. Equipping powerful Legendary Aspects based on your character’s class may help you overcome this challenge.

What Changes In World Tier 3: Nightmare?

Expect Enemies To Be More Of A Challenge

Diablo 4 World Tier 3: Nightmare Higher Difficulty Mode Changes

You can interact with the Inarius statue in Kyovashad to change your World Tier at will. Shifting between Tiers will change enemies to levels 50-70, modifying their loot and the amount of XP you gain by killing them. Monsters in World Tier 3 give 100% more experience and 15% more Gold, allowing new characters you create to level up faster and have more money for different tasks around Sanctuary.

The enemies you face in World Tier 3 have a unique buff that allows them to
pierce through 20% of a character’s resistances
, making even basic foes far deadlier than before.

One of the biggest changes to World Tier 3 is the ability to obtain Unique and Sacred gear items that are a step above Legendary in Diablo 4. Champion enemies that now appear in this difficulty drop these items, allowing your character to reach a new level of obscene strength. Exclusive World Events called Helltides also begin to show up in this Tier, giving you more opportunities to get these crazy gear drops.


How Vessel of Hatred Expands Diablo 4’s Competitive PvP Universe

Diablo 4’s first major expansion, Vessel of Hatred, has brought significant changes to the game’s PvP scene, changing its competitive multiplayer.

You also can collect Nightmare Sigils in this Tier, which can transform basic dungeons into Nightmare Dungeons on your map. These upgraded dungeons are another place to earn rarer loot and increased XP for your character. Choosing to unlock World Tier 3: Nightmare is a perfect chance to progress in the game until you decide to face the even greater challenges of World Tier 4.

What’s Changed In Diablo 4 Vessel Of Hatred & Season 6

Explore New Options For Difficulty Settings

Diablo 4 Mephisto artwork from Vessel of Hatred Rathuma's Eulogy cinematic

As of Season 6 of Diablo 4, there are no longer World Tiers 1-4 for you to unlock with any character. Instead, there are four core difficulties selectable at any point while you play, called:

  • Normal – standard settings
  • Hard – 75% more XP and Gold
  • Expert – 125% more XP and Gold
  • Penitent – 175% more XP and Gold

When you start a new game, you can choose to have it on any of these difficulties. You are not limited to only Normal or Hard like World Tiers 1 and 2 represented in the past. This time, you can access a shrine in any major city you unlock to change your difficulty at any time. You do not always have to use the Shrine of Inarius in Kyovashad to do this anymore, cutting down on tedious travel time.

Similar to how World Tiers changed aspects of gameplay, higher difficulties increase enemy aggression, health, and damage to make your adventure more of a challenge.

More difficulties beyond Penitent, called Torment difficulties, can be unlocked by clearing levels of The Pit, a returning mega-dungeon from the series. The Pit unlocks once one of your characters reaches Level 60, the maximum level cap possible for any build. You can find the Pit in Cerrigar, accessible through the Artificer’s Obelisk, where you can select a Level of difficulty you want to challenge certain layers of the dungeon.


Diablo 4: How To Reach Max Level Fast For Season 6

If you want to know how to level up fast in Diablo 4 Season 6, Vessel of Hatred, you will want to know the new level cap and how best to reach it.

There are four Torment Tiers you can unlock, each with its own reward boosts similar to the increasing base difficulties. You have to clear certain Levels of the Pit to make these Tiers available, with the higher ones being locked behind more challenging layers of The Pit. Here are all the Torment Tiers, along with their loot rewards and how to unlock them:

Torment Tier

Gameplay Changes

How To Unlock


  • 300% more XP
  • 300% more Gold
  • Increased change of finding Legendary items
  • Increased chance of finding Mythics and Uniques in Diablo 4
  • Armor reduced by 250
  • Resistance reduced by 25%

Clear Pit Level 20

Torment 2

  • 400% more XP
  • 400% more Gold
  • Increased chance of finding Legendary items
  • Increased chance of finding Mythics and Uniques
  • Armor reduced by 500
  • Resistance reduced by 50%

Clear Pit Level 35

Torment 3

  • 500% more XP
  • 500% more Gold
  • Increased chance of finding Legendary items
  • Increased chance of finding Mythics and Uniques
  • Armor reduced by 750
  • Resistance reduced by 75%

Clear Pit Level 50

Torment 4

  • 600% more XP
  • 600% more Gold
  • Increased chance of finding Legendary items
  • Increased chance of finding Mythics and Uniques
  • Armor reduced by 1000
  • Resistance reduced by 100%

Clear Pit Level 65

As you can see, the rewards for Torment tiers increase dramatically the further they go, but they also greatly nerf your character’s defenses. This challenge makes it harder to survive encounters with enemies, so you need to play carefully on these higher difficulties. While you can no longer unlock World Tier 3: Nightmare in Diablo 4, these Torment settings will still similarly test your abilities.

Editor’s Note: A lawsuit has been filed against Activision Blizzard by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which alleges the company has engaged in abuse, discrimination, and retaliation against its female employees. Activision Blizzard has denied the allegations. The
full details of the Activision Blizzard lawsuit
(content warning: rape, suicide, abuse, harassment) are being updated as new information becomes available.

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