Dragon Ball DAIMA introduced a plethora of fresh ideas to the franchise, but not all of them were fully explored. Among them was a plot thread tied to a new fusion technique that was left unexplored. While the series did a fantastic job of delivering action and nostalgia, this missed opportunity stood out, considering how many fans eagerly awaited the possibilities. However, there is a theory that the future of Dragon Ball could still revisit this opportunity through a character who was notably absent from the DAIMA.
Despite being one of the franchise’s most important characters and a fan favorite, Gohan did not appear in any episode of Dragon Ball DAIMA. While there was an in-story justification for his absence, it left a gap that could have pushed the narrative in unexpected ways. Given his history as the one with the most potential using his sharp intellect, he might be key to resolving DAIMA’s unexplored Join Bugs.
Dragon Ball DAIMA Teased a New Type of Fusion That Never Appeared in the Series
The Join Bugs Can Cause a Fusion Between Three Individuals
Dragon Ball DAIMA introduced an interesting new fusion concept early on through the Join Bugs, which seemed to have the potential to fuse three individuals rather than two. However, even though fusion was introduced in the series, it was never used, leaving fans to question its potential. Given how fusion has historically played a major role in Dragon Ball’s biggest battles, it was surprising that this method never became relevant in DAIMA’s storyline. Instead, the concept faded into the background, despite the fact that a fusion between the characters could have offered massive opportunities.
For example, the possibility of a fusion between Majin Kuu and Majin Duu seemed highly probable. They each had distinct strengths that could have made a fusion between them incredibly powerful. Majin Kuu has proven himself to be fast, agile, and possibly more intelligent than Dr. Arinsu, whereas Majin Duu was created to have greater power than his predecessor. If the two had fused, their strengths could have complemented each other to create an unstoppable force like the series had never seen. Unfortunately, Dragon Ball DAIMA never took advantage of the opportunity.
Gohan May Be the Key to a Possible Season 2 of Dragon Ball DAIMA
Gohan’s Scientific Discovery in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero May Lead Him to the Demon Realm
Gohan’s absence from Dragon Ball DAIMA could have been a narrative decision to keep the focus on Goku, but in hindsight, it could just as much be a possible setup for something bigger. In the film Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Gohan is shown researching a species of ants that are capable of going through a power-boosting transformation similar to that of a Super Saiyan. Given his scientific curiosity about entomology, Gohan could be the ideal character to explore the various properties of the bugs in the Demon Realm, possibly paving the way for a continuation of DAIMA.

Dragon Ball Daima Opens a Buu Saga Plot Hole With a Clever Cliffhanger
Dragon Ball Daima expanded the lore of demons, but it also introduces a plot that reshapes how the Majin Buu saga could have unfolded.
The connection between Gohan’s research and DAIMA’s fusion concept has potential. While the Join Bugs were teased as a new form of fusion, their absence from the series left fans wondering why they were introduced in the first place. However, when paired with Gohan’s studies in Super Hero, it suggests that he could already be on the verge of understanding how small biological creatures could influence transformations. If this were the case, the future of the franchise could lead to a series that brings Gohan to the Demon Realm in order to study the various insects and their properties.
Gohan Deserves To Have More Dedicated Screen Time
The Future of DAIMA Can Benefit From Having Gohan as a Leading Character
Despite being one of the series’ most significant characters, Gohan has often been sidelined in favor of Goku and Vegeta. His moments of prominence, including defeating Cell or achieving his Beast form, prove that he has the potential to be a leader in the franchise. However, the series continually places him in the background, limiting both his growth and the possibility of him taking on a main role. With his intelligence and immense potential, Gohan brings something different to the table, and if DAIMA returned with a sequel, it would be the perfect opportunity to present Gohan as the lead.
Gohan’s absence from DAIMA was noticeable, but the possibility remains that it was an intentional decision to allow Gohan into a more prominent role in the future. Given the loose threads DAIMA left behind, the series may be aiming to expand on the Demon Realm with a different cast of Z-fighters to take the lead, and with Gohan’s scientific studies, he may be the ideal candidate. The Join Bugs in Dragon Ball DAIMA were introduced for a reason, and Gohan might be the key to an entirely new story that explores aspects that haven’t been addressed.
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