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This Scream 7 Theory Brilliantly Explains How Stu Will Return (Without Undoing His Death)

This Scream 7 Theory Brilliantly Explains How Stu Will Return (Without Undoing His Death)

Scream 7 is facing some huge challenges with the return of three dead characters, one of them Stu Macher (Matthew Lillard), but one theory brilliantly explains how he will return without undoing his death. The Scream saga successfully seized the trend of reboots and legacy sequels and came back to life a bit over a decade after the release of Scream 4. The fifth movie, simply titled Scream, brought Sidney (Neve Campbell), Gale (Courteney Cox), and Dewey (David Arquette) back, and introduced new Final Girls Sam (Melissa Barrera) and Tara (Jenna Ortega).

The success of Scream 2022 led to a sequel, Scream 6, the first movie in the franchise without Sidney. Now, after Melissa Barrera’s firing and Jenna Ortega dropping out, Scream 7 is bringing Sidney back as the main character, but she’s not the only legacy character returning. Gale is once again joining Sidney, but Scream 7 is also bringing back three dead characters, two of whom were Ghostface killers: Dewey, Roman, and Stu, and a brilliant theory explains how to bring the latter two back while staying true to the franchise.


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The latest casting update for Scream 7 brings yet another dead character back, and I’m now officially worried about where the movie is going.

Scream 7 Theory Suggests Stu & Roman Return Through AI & Deepfakes

Scream 7 Might Tackle A Big, Current Issue

Matthew Lillard as Stu Macher smiling and holding up a gun in Scream

There are a couple of theories on how Stu and Roman will be brought back that don’t involve a surprise survival reveal. It has been theorized for years that Stu could have survived his very clear death in Scream, in which he was electrocuted after Sidney dropped a TV on his head, but at this point, this would be very hard to believe and pull off. The same with Roman, who was shot in the head by Dewey in Scream 3 to make sure he died, and it wouldn’t work if he was suddenly revealed to have survived.


5 Theories On How Matthew Lillard Returns As Stu In Scream 7

There are several ways to explain Matthew Lillard’s return as Stu in Scream 7, and not all of the theories would undo the character’s death.

Because of this, it has been theorized that they will return in flashbacks (with a couple of tricks to make them look younger) or in visions, though the latter would be tricky as Sam was the one with the visions, and she won’t be around in Scream 7. However, a Reddit user has now come up with a theory that could bring Stu and Roman back in believable ways, without undoing their deaths, and would still fit with the franchise’s themes: through AI and deepfakes.

Scream 7 will use the current rise of AI and deepfakes and the problems and debates they have brought and use them in its story.

The Scream saga has stood out for firing shots at the horror genre, the film industry, and real-life problems and social issues, so it’s expected that Scream 7 will do the same. With this in mind, a Reddit user suggests Scream 7 will use the current rise of AI and deepfakes and the problems and debates they have brought and use them in its story. This would continue the saga’s meta style while giving the best way to bring Stu and Roman back and a new way to terrorize Sidney.

The author suggests Stu and Roman will be brought back as deepfakes made through AI, and whoever is behind the Ghostface mask this time will use these to further mess with Sidney. The question now is why Stu and Roman out of all the Ghostface killers Sidney has faced so far, but that could be easily explained by Stu being one of the original killers (and Billy was already brought back in Sam’s hallucinations) and Roman being Sidney’s half-brother and the mastermind behind their mother’s murder and the first Woodsboro killing spree.

Scream 7 Theory Also Suggests The Reveal Of A Secret Franchise Ghostface

Scream 7 Could Confirm An Old Theory

In addition to the use of deepfakes and AI to bring Stu and Roman back, the theory suggests there will also be the reveal of a secret Ghostface in Scream 7. However, this will be a Ghostface killer who has been around since the first movie and has been helping the rest in every movie. The idea came from how in Scream 3 Roman originally had an accomplice: Angelina, played by Emily Mortimer, but the idea was scrapped and the scenes of the reveal were cut.

Scream 7 could make a big franchise reveal about a secret Ghostface, one who has been around since Roman planned Maureen’s murder.

In another version of Scream 3, Stu was revealed to be alive and orchestrating the murders from prison, but this was changed after the Columbine High School massacre. This led to the author of the theory believing Scream 7 could make a big franchise reveal about a secret Ghostface, one who has been around since Roman planned Maureen’s murder. Theories about a third Ghostface killer in the first Scream movies aren’t new, but it has recently been theorized that there could have been a secret accomplice over the years.

A theory also shared on Reddit suggests that Sam and Tara’s mother was Billy’s accomplice in Scream, and later helped Mrs. Loomis in Scream 2 and Roman in Scream 3. This would solve the big mystery about Sam and Tara’s mother, but the reveal of a secret Ghostface who has been around for years without being caught risks being unbelievable and ruining the entire franchise.

Scream 7 Theory Solves The Biggest Challenge Of Stu & Roman’s Return

Scream 7 Has One Problem Less Thanks To This Theory

Scott Foley as Roman Bridger dressed as Ghostface with his hand up in Scream 3

Aside from the fact that they are dead and resurrecting them would make no sense, the biggest challenge Scream 7 is facing in bringing Stu and Roman back is the actors’ age. Stu and Roman died many years ago, so depending on how they are brought back, Scream 7 would have to use the often controversial de-aging technology on them. However, if Scream 7 seizes the current wave of AI and deepfakes in its story, the actors’ ages won’t be a problem at all.

The deepfakes used to mess with Sidney can show Stu and Roman just as Matthew Lillard and Scott Foley currently are, to better make her believe that they could be alive and going after her. This also allows Scream 7 to use Stu and Roman in any scenario, as they won’t be attached to certain settings (time and physical) and would be a new and twistier way of psychologically torturing Sidney, as it would directly target her past trauma.

Could Dewey Also Be Brought Back Through Deepfakes In Scream 7?

Dewey’s Return Could Be Very Different Through Deepfakes

Dewey on the phone in Scream 2022

Stu and Roman’s return in Scream 7 is now sorted with this theory, but now the question is if Dewey could also be brought back through AI and deepfakes. Dewey was always on Sidney’s side and they were very close friends, which is why his death in Scream 2022 was so shocking and sad. However, if the narrative in Scream 7 is to mess with Sidney’s mind, Dewey could also return through deepfakes, which the new Ghostface could use to make Sidney feel guilty about his death (despite him being the one who alerted her of the 2022 murders).

Scream 7 could even use a Dewey deepfake to make Sidney believe he was involved in past murders, something that has also been theorized for years. This theory gives plenty of interesting options for Scream 7 to use Stu, Roman, and Dewey, and, so far, is the most creative and believable way to bring them back without undoing their deaths.

Source: Reddit.


Scream 7

Release Date

February 27, 2026


Kevin Williamson


Kevin Williamson, Guy Busick, James Vanderbilt


Cathy Konrad, Gary Barber, Marianne Maddalena, Peter Oillataguerre, William Sherak, Chad Villella, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett, Ron Lynch

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