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Polls show Chelsea fans have badly turned on Behdad Eghbali and Sporting Directors – Talk Chelsea

Polls show Chelsea fans have badly turned on Behdad Eghbali and Sporting Directors – Talk Chelsea

I conducted some polls across hundreds of Chelsea fans in our Blues community over at Si Phillips Talks Chelsea this week.

The poll results are in people, and it’s not looking good at all for Behdad Eghbali/Clearlake, and the Sporting Directors.

In the entire time of their ownership so far, after doing many polls, I have NEVER seen this many fans turn on them. Yikes.

I say turn on ‘them’ – Todd Boehly remains the only owner who still has a pretty strong backing from the fan base.

I asked the community here if they had to pick one owner only out of Clearlake/Eghbali or Todd Boehly’s side then who would you pick?

  • A MASSIVE 97% pick Boehly

In terms of overall confidence in Boehly’s side of the ownership, these were the results:

  • 48% are confident
  • 36% take the middle ground
  • 12% are very confident
  • 4% not too confident
  • 1% not confident at all

It’s a different story for Eghbali and his Clearlake crew:

  • 48% are not confident at all
  • 29% are not too confident
  • 19% take the middle ground
  • 4% are confident
  • ZERO% are very confident

For the Sporting Directors though, Paul Winstanley and Laurence Stewart, things look EVEN worse:

  • 66% are NOT confident AT ALL
  • 21% are not too confident
  • 11% take the middle ground
  • 2% are confident (is that you Paul and Laurence!?)
  • ZERO% are very confident

So, should they be sacked? Personally, I’m OK with them just moving to scouting roles because I do think they have spotted some decent talent at times and just scouting is their remit/limits:

  • 58% want them SACKED right now!
  • 26% just want them demoted to scouting roles
  • 10% do not want them sacked or demoted
  • 6% are not sure

Our squad build is NOT complete

  • 45% say are squad build is not quite complete
  • 30% say nowhere near complete
  • 14% say very almost complete
  • 10% are not sure
  • 1% say it’s complete (again, hello Paul and Laurence!)

What about this transfer window?

  • 55% are not happy with it at all
  • 30% are not too happy
  • 13% take the middle ground
  • 1% are fairly happy
  • 1% are very happy

So if we do not get Champions League football this season, who is MOST to blame?

  • 66% says the SDs
  • 28% say the owners
  • 3% say the manager
  • 2% say the players

What about the general feeling about Chelsea FC right now?

  • 42% are a bit concerned
  • 29% are hugely concerned
  • 23% take the middle ground
  • 6% are quite happy/excited
  • 1% are very happy/excited

We can end on a positive note, because it seems like generally, the confidence in Enzo Maresca remains. So for now, if they even tried to move another manager on, there would be uproar:

  • 49% are confident with Maresca
  • 31% take the middle ground
  • 9% not too confident
  • 8% are very confident
  • 3% are not confident at all

I’m actually in the middle ground here for now, I can’t say I am totally convinced just yet, but happy to review it all properly once I have seen how this season ends.

Thanks everyone for taking part, these are very damning results for Eghbali and his sporting directors.

Will it make a shed of difference? Probably not, they’ll probably just double down on their ‘vision’ and then celebrate it once the players come good because they’ve actually all matured enough to have experience!

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